11 Mar Xolajap
Xolajap means ‘the land of the coyote traps’ in the Mayan language, Kiche. A few generations ago it used to be a big herding community where sheep were abundant. With a lot of sheep, brought a lot of coyotes and the name has stuck ever since. With such heavy sheep farming, the community of Xolajap still produces some of the best and highly sought after wool in the area. Most of this wool is simply processed and then sent to other textile workers who make blankets other products with the wool. This community in located in the municipality of Momostenango, and is located about 32 km away from the center. The climate is cold and damp which leads to heavy potato cultivation as it is a perfect climate for that.
At the beginning of the year the school had 256 students and only 6 classrooms. With the construction of our bottle classrooms we have increased their classroom total to 8 and has dropped the average number of students in a classroom by 10.
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 3,050
Construction Started: March 24, 2014
Classrooms: 2
Bottle School: 54