23 Nov Santa Rosa (phase II)
The first school that was built in Phase I is located 8 miles away from the center of San Martin Jilotepeque. The community was named after its patron, Santa Rosa (Saint Rose). People in Santa Rosa grow their own coffee, corn, beans and a lot of different kind of vegetables and fruits. Women weave their own “güipiles” (traditional blouses) that usually takes up to three months to be finished. Since the first phase of the bottle classrooms project, Santa Rosa has had an increase in student enrollment. This elementary school project benefits 102 students, 5 teachers that are being taught in 4 crowded classrooms, one of which is an informal space to teach in.
The members of Santa Rosa speak mainly Spanish but some families still speak their Mayan language: Kaqchiquel. The kids help their parents after school on the work around the house such as: coffee picking, planting flowers, making tortillas, weaving beautiful textiles, etc.
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 400
Construction Started: June 12, 2017
Classrooms: 3
Bottle School: 113