26 Sep Panimacac (phase II)
Panimacac means fuego grande in Spanish, or “large fire” since at some point in this town’s history, there was a huge fire that could not be put out. It is located in the department of Chimaltenango. This community has 79 families, many of which cultivate blackberries to export, as well as mimbres, which are baskets made of vegetable fibers. Panimacac is a completely indigenous community where 90% of the members speak the Mayan language, Kaqchikel.
This bottle classroom project will serve to replace 2 deteriorating classrooms. New classrooms will benefit 172 elementary school students, and 10 teachers. Panimacac’s vision is to turn these new bottle classrooms in lab spaces for computers & science.
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 325
Construction Started: May 19, 2016
Classrooms: 3
Bottle School: 77