Hug It Forward is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization in the USA. 100% of your donation goes towards the school and is tax deductible!
Mary Alice Felder was a person who always led with her heart and was a friend to everyone she met. She was diagnosed with a rare and devastating type of cancer, and within a few short months was called home far too early. Even in the face of such a dire diagnosis, Mary adopted a positive, hope-and-love-filled treatment plan. She called her campaign LOVE IT, HEAL IT, BEAT IT. It embodied how she lived and how she bravely fought cancer.
Mary Alice was a person with big dreams. We, as her family and friends, see no reason for her leaving to be an end to those dreams. She wanted to raise money and travel to Guatemala to build a bottle school, and we want what she wanted. We all agreed that Mary would prefer a legacy of helping school children over flowers at her memorial service. LOVE IT, HEAL IT, BEAT IT doesn’t die with Mary Alice. It lives in all of us as a promise to her. Thank you, in advance, for helping us keep that promise.
We are honored to partner with Hug It Forward, a 501(c)(3), to raise funds to build a 3 room bottle school. $19,000 is our goal and we hope to raise these funds by the middle of November! All donations are tax deductible.
– Juliana de Bres and Jessie McNamara and Bethany Webster