12 Nov Los Cerritos
Los Cerritos is located 6 miles away from the center of San Martin Jilotepeque. The word Cerritos means “little mountains”. This project benefits 59 students, 4 teaching staff members and 57 families in the area. The members of Los Cerritos speak mainly Spanish but some families still speak their Mayan language: Kaqchiquel. 90% of the community is Catholic.
Los Cerritos was founded 6 years ago when the owner of a huge piece of land decided to sell his property to all the families in the area. The “finca” (estate) was divided into 6 different communities and Los Cerritos is one of them.
The school has 4 classrooms, one of which is made half of adobe and half of wood. The classroom made of wood and adobe is close to collapsing as it is located by a retaining wall that over time has been eroding and collapsing in the rain. This represents a danger to the children who have classes in that classroom.
The construction of two bottle classrooms will greatly improve the conditions under which students receive their lessons, giving them a comfortable and safe learning environment.
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 400
Classrooms: 2
Bottle School: 21