08 Apr La Libertad
For over 5 years, the town of La Libertad, Joyabaj in the department of Quiché, was trying to find ways to get new classrooms built through the help of governmental and non-governmental institutions. In that time, they did not receive any positive reinforcement from anyone for the hopes of new classrooms. It was through one of the mothers in La Libertad that Arsenia, a teacher of 20 years, was put in contact with our Director of Environmental Education, Luis Guzman. They took it upon themselves to encourage the parents, students and other community members to collect bottles and inorganic trash until they counted 5,000 bottles. They were able to present this initiative to the municipality to solicit their support. They were met with positive and attentive responses to their requests for help in their bottle school classroom project.
La Libertad has 763 students, 23 classrooms and 26 teachers. Their goal is to be able to build 5 new bottle classrooms with the help of the PTA, teachers and community.
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 400
Construction Started: November 4, 2015
Classrooms: 3
Bottle School: 71