How to run a fundraiser


Hug It Forward is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. We encourage everyone to work together and collaborate to create a better world. Hug It Forward organization is not run by or affiliated with any religious group, church, or political party. We pride ourselves with running an all inclusive organization defined by our core values. When representing Hug It Forward, these core values should be practiced and upheld with the highest integrity. We expect nothing less from our AMAZING supporters and friends 🙂

Be as creative as you like! Silent auctions or dinners are fun, or you could try something really different, such as a sporting event, themed parties, arts and music related or even free hugs!

Do you not want to host an event, but still want to fundraise for the cause? Here are some Helpful Tips: Use skills you already posses to raise funds. Some examples: If you are a personal trainer-offer private sessions for donations, if you are a teacher-offer tutoring, If you own a business-make a donation for a tax write-off, do you have a creative talent or product you can sell for charity?

Here are some simple fundraising ideas:

    1. Set up a fundraiser page on
    2. Create a Facebook Birthday Wish
    3. Still feeling stumped? Here are more Fundraising Ideas!

Email, Facebook event pages, and Meet ups are all great ways to reach out to people and also maintain communication.

There is always the free option like local parks, schools, or reach out to your friends and family for office space, or other ideas. Always ask if you can have the space donated for the event since it is a charity fundraise!

  • Helpful tip when location is secured: Things to think about when touring the location: Space, supplies, mapping the location, consider any “traffic” problems, such as lines blocking places needing access, and think about parking if needed.

Consider avoiding dates when other events are taking place. Choose an ending time that is early enough to allow for clean up afterwards.

Cash and checks (payable to “Hug It Forward”) are fairly easy to deal with. It’s also very easy to set up your own fundraising page through our fundraising partner

  • Visit and click “Start Fundraising” sign up! Get in touch if you have any problems, and we will be pleased to help you.

(For example, a gaming authority if you plan to hold a raffle or a health authority if you are selling food.) Just a couple quick conversations will really help you be really prepared for the event!

If the event requires paid admission, determine prices (single, couple, family) and have tickets made up. Tickets are fairly cheap or you can make your own, so overestimate rather than underestimate the number you need. Also, make a large information sheet for the entrance table that tells people who to make checks out to.

There are many ways to do this, the more you use the better!

  • Email contacts
  • Facebook event and posts
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Radio announcements
  • News Paper articles
  • Bulletins at work, schools, coffee shops, etc.
  • Posters and fliers (If you make a flyer on your computer and know how to make it into a PDF or a JPEG, you can email that to anyone on your contact list willing to print and post flyers.)

This gives you an idea of how many people will attend. Also suggest that people still make a donation if they are unable to attend the event. Make sure you give yourself ample time before the event to sell tickets, think months!

Also, have an available volunteer to run around the day of the event for forgotten materials. â˜ș Always try to have materials donated to lower costs.

If you are planning an event that is “out of the box” we would like to hear about it! Don’t forget to TAKE PICTURES & VIDEO and share them with us! Please ask us before using Hug It Forward’s logo on anything.
