09 Nov Choatalun
Choatalun means “under the big tree”. There’s a tree called Chalum where men used to rest after a long day of work in the fields.
The project (elementary school) will benefit 500 kids, 20 staff members and 500 families in the area.
The government built 3 “temporary” classrooms after the earthquake in 1976 and never came back to build something more appropriate. This Hug It Forward bottle school replaced those make-shift classrooms.
Choatalun is the biggest public elementary school in San Martin Jilotepeque. This community has heavily affected by the civil war with many massacres between 1981-1982.
The community is currently collecting more bottles to build 3 more classrooms in the area!!
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 1,600
Construction Started: April 10, 2015
Classrooms: 3
Bottle School: 67