18 Dec Chidonjuan
This bottle school project will benefit 37 students, 3 teaching staff members and 200 families in the area. Chidonjuan means the land of (Chi) Sir (Don) Juan, who is the founder of this community. People in Chidonjuan grow their own coffee, corn, beans, tomatoes, green beans and other vegetables and fruits. Women weave their own “güipiles” (traditional blouses) that usually take up to three months to be finished. The members of Chidonjuan mostly speak Spanish but it’s a 100% indigenous community and 25% of them speak their Mayan language, Kaqchiquel. 85% of the community is catholic. After they finish school each day, the children help their parents with work around the house such as: coffee picking, planting flowers, making tortillas, weaving beautiful textiles, etc.
Middle School
Population (approximately): 650
Construction Started: June 28, 2014
Classrooms: 3
Bottle School: 50