14 Feb Candelaria
Kindergartners in Candelaria do not have a classroom, and use a small shed attached to the principal’s office, which is very uncomfortable for both the children and the teacher. Because they lack a classroom, fourth grade students are being taught by one teacher whereas really they need to be split into two classes. A shed is being used as a classroom, the kitchen is being used as a storage shed, and a kitchen has been improvised in a space adjacent to the new shed, hindering students’ development because is does not have the right conditions for cooking. The people of this community are largely engaged in agriculture and dairy farming. The community takes the name of a virgin called The Virgin of Candelaria, who is celebrated on February 2 each year. Before construction can be started on new classrooms, a contention wall must be built – the community has already started building the wall, which should be completed by the end of June.
Elementary School
Population (approximately): 125
Construction Started: September 13, 2013
Classrooms: 2
Bottle School: 35